Half done installation or corrupt download of McAfee can cause error code 12002, apart from this malware infection can corrupt the Windows system file casing this error.
To fix this error please follow the given steps:
• Click Start button and type “Command” in the search bar.
• Press Ctrl+ Shift on the keyboard and holding and hitting enter. Then click Yes.
• On the black box that opens, type “regetit” and presenter.
• The registry editor will open up, select McAfee antivirus and take a back up.
• Then from the file menu, choose export, select the folder from save in list where you want to antivirus backup key.
• Backup the file and then click save.
• Now take the help from registry cleaner, they will fix the registry error by its own.
In case you still can’t fix the issue then please give a call at McAfee Help Number toll free and take help from antivirus experts to get rid of this issue.